Norges Energi
Norges Energy Commercial, Norway 2015 Direction : Marc Reisbig // Co direction : Ole Magnus Saxegård // Production : animasjons departementet // DOP : Toby Howell // Production Design : Martin Gautron […]

World brain on ArteTV
World Brain treats the architecture of data centers, the collective intelligence of kittens, high-frequency trading, the law of the jungle in the Wikipedia era, and the adjusting of transhuman rats… […]

Models design for the movie and installation World brain, conducted by Gwenola Wagon and Stéphane Degoutin, nogoland.com. An infintite data center reduced to a 1/5th scale hosting living mice, also exhibited as an installation. […]

Sahara Pink E.P
New record from DJ Absurd on Kiosk Records imprint sets new musical landscapes for the Parisian producer. […]

This event took part in the 2010 Nuit Blanche edition in Paris. The Arts Décoratifs school gave a unique visual performance into an abandoned metro station : St Martin. […]